Thursday, April 20, 2017

N for Nymphology

She sat in the shade of the huge oak tree, dreamily looking into her reflection in the stream which was just beside the tree. The wind brushed against her cheek, and the leaves seemed to chuckle in contentment when, suddenly, a big leaf floated down and settled itself onto her reflection.

"I know you're doing that on purpose!" she said indignantly, flipping her fringe off her eyes. 
"I don't always look at my reflection!"

The tree behind her gave out a strange sigh and shuddered, before a beautiful apparition stepped out of it. The seemingly magical lady giggled and smoothed her hair down before beginning to talk.

"Oh, Nancy! You are getting quite conceited, you know! Remember, you vowed to protect us, not sit around in the shade of our trees and smile like a foolish, self-obsessed girl!" she said, with a breathy little cough.

Nancy rolled her green eyes and stood up, putting her hands on her hips.

"Nobody even comes here, Oak! I mean, in the 21st century, people are more interested in technology and parties and stuff than having a nice, sunny day in the woods! There's literally no point of me being here in the first place!" she huffed out.

The nymph smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. 

"Alright, then! You can stop coming here," she said smugly.

"Fine then, I will!" Nancy shouted back, turning around and beginning to walk back to the city.

The nymph looked at the retreating back of the girl and softly groaned. Why did she always have to tease them so much that they got fed up of her? Why?

Nancy sneakily looked back, saw the nymph's face and froze. That look of disappointment was more than she could bear. Chuckling, she abruptly changed her mind and started to jog back to the oak tree. Nymphology, indeed.